Supplemental Readings and References
P. Rinaldo, K. Raymond, A. Al-Odaib, and M. J. Bennett: Clinical and
biochemical features of fatty acid oxidation disorders.
Current Opinion
in Pediatrics
10, 615 (1998).
D. R. Silverstein, G. Faich, J. L. Goldstein, et al.: Gastrointestinal toxicity
with celecoxib vs. nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs for osteoarthritis
and rheumatoid arthritis.
Journal of American Medical Association
1247 (2000).
R. M. Swift: Drug therapy for alcohol dependence.
New England Journal of
340, 1482 (1999).
T. L. Wall, C. M. Petersen, K. P. Peterson, et al.: Alcohol metabolism in
Asian-American men with genetic polymorphisms of aldehyde dehydro-
Annals of Internal Medicine
127, 376 (1997).
G. N. Wilson: Structure-function relationships in the peroxisome: Implica-
tions for human disease.
Biochemical Medicine and Metabolic Biology
46 ,288(1991).
M. M. Wolfe, D. R. Lichtenstein, and G. Singh: Gastrointestinal toxicity of
nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drugs.
New England Journal of Medicine
340, 1888(1999).
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